Shopping Regulations
§ 1
1. These Regulations determine the conditions and rules for using the Internet service by its users, in particular determines the terms and conditions of the carriers bus tickets purchase, whose courses were made available through the above mentioned service including the conditions of payment for tickets, using the online payment system called PayU S.A.
2. Each User is obliged, at the time of commencing to make a purchase through the service, to acquaint himself with the Regulations, to accept its content and compliance with its provisions.
3. The administrator of the site is the Car Transport Company "POLONUS" in Warsaw Joint Stock Company entered into the registry, kept by the District Court. St. Warsaw, XII Commercial Division, under KRS number 0000376721, NIP: 525-000-01-27, REGON: 000617166 seed capital: 9000000 PLN paid in full.
4. User can communicate with the administrator of the service, as follows:
a) using a hotline phone number: 708 208 888 (calls cost 1.29 PLN VAT/minute)
b) using the e-mail address:
§ 2 Definitions
For the purposes of these Regulations concepts contained in it means:
- Online ticketing system - service, zwany dalej w serwisem „”
- Ticket purchaser - a natural person, legal person or organizational unit without legal personality making ticket purchase on its own name and on his own behalf or on behalf of another person.
- Ticket purchaser - a natural person, legal person or organizational unit without legal personality making ticket purchase on its own name and on his own behalf or on behalf of another person
- Passenger - a person entitled to travel on an electronic ticket, to which the rights and obligations arise from the purchase of the ticket.
- Carrier – entity selected by the User, implementing on the basis of the relevant authorizations in accordance with the relevant provisions of the law for chosen bus connections.
- Payments Operator - PayU SA in Poznań, 60-166 Poznan, 182 Grunwaldska st., a national payment institution supervised by the Financial Supervision Commission, entered into the Register of payment services under the number IP1/2012, entered into the register of entrepreneurs kept by the District Court in Poznań - Nowe Miasto and Wilda, VIII Commercial Division of the National Court Register under number KRS 0000274399, with share capital in the amount of 4,000,000 PLN, paid in full, which has a tax identification number NIP: 779-23-08-495, REGON 300523444.
- Transaction parties - web site allowing you to buy bus tickets online.
- Ticket - an electronic ticket as a PDF file, which is generated from the service and printed document, entitling the holder to travel by a passenger, which is evidence of the contract of carriage between the Customer and Carrier..
- SMS ticket - an electronic ticket sent by the system on phone number in the form of SMS, single ticket entitling to travel by a passenger, which is evidence of the contract of carriage between the Customer and Carrier..
- Terms of online ticket sales at - this regulation, hereafter called the Regulations, which the prior acceptance is required in order to purchase a ticket via the Internet.
- Carriage Regulations - regulations in force at the Carrier performing a specific transport, based on the ticket acquired through the service.
- Contractual conditions of carriage - the conditions of carriage of passengers and their belongings determined by Carrier in the Carriage Regulations, concerning the rights and obligations of the Passenger and the Carrier, in particular, the validity of the ticket, the resignation of carriage, the conditions of carriage of baggage. Acceptance of Conditions of Carriage is a condition of buying a ticket.
§ 3 Purchase of a ticket - Terms and Conditions
1. The user via web transaction selects the route, date, time and Carrier and appropriate pricing tariffs.
2. Technical requirement for successful completion of the transaction ticket purchase is the correct move through the process of purchasing or selecting routes, departure date, type of incentives or promotions, enter your email address (optional mobile phone number for SMS ticket purchase, and the passenger's name and surname in the case of international courses if required by carrier) which is to be sent the ticket and payment for a ticket in the transaction operator payments system, and prior - before making a purchase in the manner, referred to in point 4 below - acceptance of the Rules of Carriage and these Regulations.
3. In order to purchase a ticket is the availability of seats on a given transport at the moment of payment for the ticket. Detailed instructions on the procedure of purchase and information on the availability of seats will appear in the course of purchase in the form of messages.
4. After pressing the "Pay" button, user via web transaction pays for the selected ticket by the Operator, which ensures safe processing of transactions.
5. OFrom the moment of receiving a message from the system about the availability of seats on a given transport User have 60 minutes to the effective operation of payment for the ticket in the way it chooses. In case when time left for departure is less than 24 hours, the time is 30 minutes. After exceeding this time the seat lock on a given transport is automatically removed - as a result of which there is no opportunity to buy a ticket at the session. Independent modification of the title will transfer its rejection. The transaction outside the Operator's payment is impossible.
6. The possible effects of purchase, for the reasons mentioned above carrier, administrator, or any other entity shall not be liable.
7. During registration, the User is obliged to enter the email address on which an electronic ticket will be sent.
8. In order to make payment for the selected trip, you must have a payment card or account supported by Payments Operator to access the Internet at the right bank and secure the appropriate amount to charge card or bank account for the purchased ticket.
9. Purchase of a ticket will not be made in the case of the lack of an appropriate amount on the credit card or the lack of sufficient funds in your account..
10. After successful payment user on owned equipment allowing to print an A4 - prints the correct ticket. The costs of printing the electronic ticket shall be taken by each user. If you buy a ticket with option "Ticket to SMS", the ticket will be sent to the mobile phone number during the purchase process.
11. The printed ticket or a ticket in the form of SMS is a document confirming the conclusion of the contract of carriage, and entitling the holder to travel. Ticket purchaser is obliged to ensure the readability of the printed ticket, at least the basic elements of its content referred to in paragraph 12 points. 3,4,5,6,7 and storing SMS ticket for the duration of the contract of carriage. The passenger is obliged to ensure the possibility of production of a ticket in the form of SMS all the time travel, in particular to ensure that telephone, smartphone, or other similar device with which you received a ticket in this form, depleted during the trip.
12. Properly generated ticket should contain:
- number,
- date of issue,
- price,
- route,
- termin przewozu
- terms of reference for discounted travel, used by passenger and
- determine the Carrier
13. Making a purchase through results in a binding contract of carriage between the purchaser of the ticket and the Carrier and constitutes acceptance of Contractual Conditions of Carriage, and in particular the conditions relating to the prices applied, the conditions for deduction fee in the event of cancellation by the traveler from the contract of carriage.
14. Payments supports online payments operator, which by its own trading system provides a method of payment specified in the PayU website at
§ 4 Changes, refunds and additional operations on tickets purchased
1. There is a possibility of return tickets purchased by the service (cancellation of the contract of carriage) before starting the journey.
2. Pursuant to art. 17 paragraph 4 of the Act of 15 November 1984. Transport Law (Journal of Laws of 2012, item. 1173 consolidated text.) The traveler:
- who withdrew from the contract of carriage, or
- which was not allowed to carry or removed from the truck (this applies in particular to persons threatening the security or order in the transport or onerous for travelers) are entitled to reimbursement for the unused appropriate provision of transport after deduction of the balance (fee). Deductions shall not apply if the traveler withdraws from the contract of carriage for reasons attributable to the Carrier.
3. In the case of disposal of the return ticket at least 10 minutes before departure for reasons attributable to the Passenger service charges fee in the amount of 10% of the ticket value. Refunds of tickets through the service are possible at the latest 10 minutes before departure. Returns for reasons attributable to the Carrier are made in full. In the case of disposal of refunds for transactions made with credit card, repayments directly to the bank account linked to the card no later than 2 business days.
4. Activities related to the implementation of the powers referred to in this paragraph may be made by the service
- for a user who bought a ticket after logging into your account on the site (My Account tab - History of completed orders - Order Information - Actions - Reimbursement of costs - "Do return processing fee".
- User-buyer for the anonymous account (without registering on the site's, the correct completion of the return form, available at
5. The provisions of paragraphs. 1-5, not restrict the rights of the traveler as to change the contract of carriage before the journey or at the place of detention means of transport to road transport, which is a power of travel arising from the Act referred to in paragraph 2 of this paragraph.
§ 5 Rights and obligations of the Parties
1. The user is obliged to use the service in accordance with its intended purpose, applicable laws and the Regulations.
2. Use of the service by the User to submit false statements or entering false data is not allowed.
3. It is forbidden the use of other people's means of payment when making payments as well as any data and information which are subject to legal protection under the terms of the relevant legislation.
4. Service reserves the right to inform the competent authorities of the state in the case of adoption suspicion that the circumstances evidence of the use of the service for criminal activities.
5. The service administrator, on behalf of Transport informs that in accordance with art. 15 paragraph 2 and 3 of Law Transportation
- people threatening security or order in the transport can not be allowed to carry or removed from the means of transport;
- people hassle for travelers or refusing to pay duties for the carriage can be removed from the conveyance, unless this would violate the principles of social coexistence.
6. The Carrier has the right to withdraw from the Agreement in case of misrepresentation required to purchase a ticket or payment data via the Operator Payments.
§ 6 Complaints
1. Any complaints regarding the implementation of ticket purchase through the service are received in writing within 30 days from the date of disclosure of irregularities in the implementation of purchase, to the following address: Al. Jerusalem 144, 02-305 Warsaw or email address The complaint will be recognized by the Administrator of the service within 14 days of its receipt, the deadline is extended in case of a call by the Administrator of the Service User to complete the complaint in the manner specified in paragraph 3 of this article.
2. In the complaint submitted must find all the necessary information about the transaction: user data (name, address), e-mail (from whom you purchased it), telephone number, description of the complaint relating to the transaction, the number of advertised orders.
3. When the complaints, which do not contain the information specified in point. 2 or other information necessary to consider the complaint, the service will call the User Administrator to complete them within the prescribed period of not less than 7 days, with the proviso that the case did not replenish the complaint will not be substantively addressed. Position on the complaint and summons, referred to in the preceding sentence will be sent to the e-mail address provided by you when registering on the site or at the address from which the complaint was submitted.
4. You have the right to request the removal of an account at the notification email to the email address Deleting your account will be made only in case of registration of an email address belonging to the account.
5. The complaint for non-performance or improper performance of the contract of carriage holder may at any point clearance Carrier or organizational unit indicated by the Carrier as appropriate for dealing with complaints. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the complex will also be effectively considered a complaint filed to the address of the service, is the Administrator. PKS "POLONUS" in Warsaw SA, 144 Al. Jerozolimskie, 02-305 Warsaw or at the email address Administrator Service:
6. Complaints submitted to the address given above, or e-mail, the Administrator shall promptly forward to consider the Carrier.
7. The administrator of this site shall not be liable for non-performance or improper performance of the contract of carriage. Administrator announces that the responsibility in this regard, according to the Law shall be borne transport carrier..
8. The administrator of this site indicates that, in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Transport and Construction of 24 February 2006. On determining the status of shipments and complaint procedure (Dz. U. of 2006. No. 38, item. 266, hereinafter referred to as the "Regulation" ): A complaint for non-performance or improper performance of the contract of carriage should include:
- the date of filing a complaint;
- name (name) and address (registered office) of the carrier;
- name (name) and address (registered office) of the person submitting the complaint;
- title and the justification of the complaint;
- amount of the claim (separately for each transport document);
- list of attached documents;
- signature of the person authorized to lodge a complaint.
9. The complaint should be accompanied by the original ticket and baggage check, or certified copies of other documents related to the type and amount of the claim, including proving entitlement to free or reduced fare.
10. The answer to the complaint shall be granted immediately, but no later than within 30 days of receipt of the complaint by the Carrier.
11. If the submitted complaint does not meet the conditions set out in paragraph 8 of this paragraph, the Carrier is entitled to call the advertiser to remedy the deficiencies within 14 days from the date of receipt of the request, with the instruction that without supplements deficiencies within this period will leave the complaint without consideration.
§ 7 Protection of personal data
According to the art. 24 paragraph 1 of the Act of 29 August 1997. Protection of Personal Data (t. J. Dz. U. of 2014., Pos. 1182) PKS "POLONUS" in Warsaw SA informs that:
1. Administrator of passengers' personal data is a carrier with whom the passenger has concluded a contract of carriage through the service, details of which are indicated in the body of the passenger ticket sent to your email address,
2.Bus "POLONUS" in Warsaw SA is the entity carrier as Administrator of personal data entrusted by contract data processing (pursuant to art. 31 of the Act referred to in paragraph 1), and this processing takes place only to the extent necessary to enable the purchase of tickets through the service
3. The personal data of passengers will be processed for marketing purposes only if the user agrees and will not be made available to other customers,
4. You have the right to access their data and to correct them,
5. The data is processed only for the purpose and extent necessary to implement the contract of carriage and purchase a ticket through the service, and the recipients of the data are the only people responsible for the execution of the contract of carriage with the Carrier, as well as employees of the bus "POLONUS" in Warsaw SA responsible for the proper operation of the service
6. Providing personal data is voluntary, subject to the provisions of paragraphs 7 and 8 of this article.
7. do not enter your e-mail address when you log prevents the purchase of a ticket,
8. accordance with Article. 16 paragraph 3 of the Law on transport ticket can be placed other information, including personal data Passenger (eg. Name and surname), if this is necessary for the carrier in regular passenger transport. If the specified carrier from which the passenger purchases through the service ticket, requires the placement of such data do not provide the data may make it impossible to purchase a ticket.
§ 8 Final Provisions
1. Service not take any responsibility for using and making ticket purchase by the user in a manner contrary to the Rules and Regulations of Carriage.
2. Acceptance of regulations on the site also serves as a statement that you have read the Terms and Conditions. Lack of acceptance of the Terms prevents the purchase of a ticket from the system.
3. A contract concluded through the service, shorted on time performance of the carriage on which the ticket was purchased. The minimum duration of the customer of such agreements includes the time to leave the means of transport - at the end of the route on which the ticket was purchased, or to stop earlier (if you leave the vehicle before).
4. The system administrator reserves the right to change the Terms and Conditions. For trades executed via the system appropriate, the regulations in force at the date of ticket purchase.
Regulations in force since 12.10.2015